Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Meaning Of Wreaths To Us

As a tradition in many other English-speaking countries, wreaths are hung or placed in walls or they are used typically as household ornaments. A wreath is an assortment of flowers, leaves, fruits, twigs or various materials that is constructed to resemble a ring. they are used in ceremonial events in many cultures around the globe and mainly as Christmas decorations to celebrate the birth of Christ. Wreaths have much history and symbolism associated with them. They are usually made from evergreens and symbolize strength, as evergreens last even throughout the harshest winters.

In the Greco-Roman world, wreaths were used as an adornment that could represent a person's occupation, rank, their achievements and status. Laurel wreath is commonly used because it embodies victory, achievement, status and later were used to crown victorious athletes at the original Olympic games. It is far different from today, since you won't normally see people walking around wearing wreaths on their head but they have many purposes especially that Christmas is almost here. One example is a Holiday spirit wreath, it has beautiful magnolia accents, incense cedar, and the majestic noble fir. All the trimmings symbolizes the welcoming of the yuletide season.

We could simply make our own wreath at home, if we do have our free time, we could check online for steps and materials needed. But for our own convenience, they could be bought online and gets delivered to our doorsteps within 2-3 business days or we can buy it at the bigger malls. It doesn't matter how big or how luxurious our wreaths are, the most important thing is that it has served it's purpose. The meaning and representation may vary or differ depending on culture, but for us, Christians, wreath are used to prepare for the coming of Christ.

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