Saturday, November 13, 2010

Gardening to Meet People

Have you thought of gardening as the key to socialize and make friends? Well to tell you honestly, it is so weird thinking of gardening just to expand our social circle. I didn’t actually think of it until my father had done it with flying colors. He turned out to be the garden specialist back home. He is like the “guru” when it comes to picking the right plants and flowers for our garden. Our neighbors are calling him most of the time to ask something about the best plant for their flower window boxes or container gardens. It is a bit funny how our neighbors really take gardening seriously. And making my father as the consultant is so cool. That really gave me some inspiration to write this article.

We normally like gardening alone but some are taking their chances to know their neighbors by inviting them to some community gardening. But if we have enough garden space at home it is fine to invite our friends and join us make some home improvement. In this simple way, we can connect with our neighbors and build a friendship that no money can buy.

Flower box for instance can be of great addition to our home and we can ask our neighbors to help us build it and vice versa. This is really an idea to follow because we can also exchange our home improvement ideas and compare what we know for them to create something new to their living space. You will surely realize that you might add something to spice up your home with other household developing thoughts like hanging baskets, self watering window box, raised bed garden, planter box and other environmental improvement ideas that could give flavor to our front and backyard.

Gardening is best enjoyed when you are working with your family or friends. If you are new to the community, it would be much better to make some effort and invite your neighbors or some acquaintances to join you on your gardening activities. It would be a great social therapy for both parties.

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